

​Central Highlands | Ecosystems | Trails |  Retreat for Relaxation  |  Adventure  

  • Distance & Travel Time: 160 km & 3Hrs
  • Best time to visit: March to April & June to Augest
  • Height Peak: 6248ft from MSL
  • Highest Temperature: 35°C
  • Lowest Temperature: 6°C


The Knuckles Mountain Range, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Sri Lanka, is a breathtaking destination for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers. The name "Knuckles" is derived from the series of recumbent folds and peaks that resemble the knuckles of a clenched fist. Renowned for its distinctive knuckled appearance, this mountain range offers a diverse range of ecosystems, including lush forests, crystal-clear streams, and mist-covered peaks. Trekking through the Knuckles is a popular activity, with a network of trails leading to panoramic viewpoints, hidden waterfalls, and encounters with diverse flora and fauna.

The range is a haven for biodiversity, and several rare and endemic species call it home. The Corbett's Gap, situated at an elevation of about 1,200 meters, provides a stunning view of the surrounding mountains and valleys. The cool, crisp air and the serene atmosphere make it an ideal spot for relaxation and reflection. The ethereal beauty of the landscape, coupled with the challenging yet rewarding treks, makes the Knuckles Mountain Range a unique and memorable destination.

For those seeking cultural enrichment, the Knuckles Conservation Centre serves as an informative hub. It offers insights into the region's ecological importance, conservation efforts, and the traditional practices of the local communities. Visitors can learn about the symbiotic relationship between the environment and the people who call the Knuckles home.