Turtle Watching in Sri Lanka

Turtle watching in Sri Lanka is a unique experience that allows visitors to witness the nesting and hatching of endangered sea turtles. Sri Lanka is home to several nesting sites of sea turtles, including five of the seven species of sea turtles found in the world. The nesting season for sea turtles in Sri Lanka varies depending on the species. The most common species of sea turtles in Sri Lanka are the Green turtle, Olive Ridley turtle, Hawksbill turtle, and Loggerhead turtle. These turtles typically nest between the months of November to April on the beaches along the southern coast of Sri Lanka. Visitors can witness the nesting and hatching of sea turtles by joining guided tours organized by local conservation groups and tour operators. These tours take visitors to nesting sites where they can watch the turtles lay their eggs and cover them up with sand. Visitors can also witness the hatching of turtle eggs, and watch baby turtles make their way to the ocean. It is important to note that disturbing the nesting and hatching process of sea turtles can be harmful to the turtles and is strictly prohibited. Visitors should follow the guidelines provided by the tour operators and conservation groups and maintain a safe distance from the turtles.

Following are some famous turtle-watching and conservation locations in Sri Lanka that attract tourists

Kosgoda Turtle Hatchery 

  • Renowned hatchery dedicated to the conservation of sea turtles.
  • Educational center and release programs for visitors.

Rekawa Beach 

  • One of the most important turtle nesting sites.
  • Home to five species of sea turtles, including the loggerhead and leatherback.

Panditha Amaradeva Foundation Turtle Conservation Center (Ambalangoda)

  • Focuses on the conservation of sea turtles.
  • Offers insights into the rehabilitation process.

Kahandamodara Beach

  • A lesser-known beach with significant turtle nesting activity.
  • Efforts by local communities to protect nesting sites.

Bentota Beach 

  • Known for its turtle hatcheries and conservation projects.
  • Offers guided tours to educate visitors about turtle conservation.

Uppuveli and Nilaveli Beaches 

  • Witness the nesting activities of green and hawksbill turtles.
  • Seasonal turtle watching excursions for tourists.

Muthurajawela Marsh 

  • Unique location for observing turtle hatchings.
  • Guided boat tours available for a more immersive experience.

Induruwa Sea Turtle Conservation Project 

  • Community-driven conservation efforts.
  • Offers insights into the conservation challenges and successes.